If young people won’t go to you for financial info, you find a way to go to them.

Charles Schwab, like every financial services company, wants to reach a younger audience. But good luck getting them to voluntarily sit through a financial education session. So we took a page out of Mary Poppins’ playbook - you know, ‘just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down’ - and Trojan Horsed our financial talk into famous gamers’ Twitch streams. Schwab’s resident Chief Gamer (also its Chief Global Investment Strategist) dropped in with World of Warcraft streamers to explain IRL financial principles through the lens of World of Warcraft, sharing nuggets like, “Think of a portfolio as a raiding team, you don’t want all tanks or all healers, you want a tank and a healer and a damage dealer, or your odds of getting what you want over time are lower.” <— I have no idea what that means. But holy shit did audiences love it.


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